Should You Repair Or Replace Your Chipped Or Cracked Windshield?

by | Jan 9, 2015 | Automotive

4524842_lIf your window develops a crack or chip, you need to get it looked at immediately. This is particularly true if it is in the windshield. In Chicago, auto glass repair is readily accomplished at professional auto glass shops. Yet, there are certain factors that will indicate whether the windshield is to be repaired or has to be replaced.

Factors Affecting the Decision to Repair or Replace

While the window that has been chipped or cracked can generally be repaired, this is not always the case. Sometimes, the auto glass repair company must replace the windshield. This is because the severity of the damage may indicate the need for this action. Sometimes, it is the age of the window as well as the extent of the problem. Before an auto glass technician makes a decision to repair or replace, he or she will specifically consider four factors concerning the damage inflicted. These are:

* Size
* Type
* Depth
* Location

Size and Depth

Depending upon the approach of the technician and whether they have old or newer technology, the size requiring repair will differ. Previously, auto glass repair was not carried out on chips that bigger than the size of a dollar bill. A crack would not be repaired if it was over three inches in length. New technology has altered these boundaries.

Today, the latest Chicago auto glass repair technology allows the technicians to repair larger chips and longer cracks in the windshield. In fact, some auto glass repair shops can fix cracks that are as long as 18 inches. It all depends upon the condition and age of the window, the skill of the technician and the quality of the technology available in the shop.


Damage to a windshield can take the form of different cracks and chips. Some are more easily repaired than others are. Among the easiest to repair ae:

* Star Break Bulls-Eye
* Partial Bulls-Eye
* Crack Chip or Ding
* Pit

If the chips and cracks are small, usually less than a quarter in size, they can be repaired. If, however, they are larger or your windshield has more than one, it may be necessary to consider a replacement in Chicago. Auto glass repair may be out of the question in these instances.


The placement of the crack or chip can also effect the decision to repair or replace the windshield. If the repairs may leave even the slightest discoloration that could interfere, however slightly with the clarity of the view by the driver, replacing may be the better option. In Chicago, auto glass repair technicians will look at the potential for this occurring. They will assess whether any aspect of the driver’s ability to see clearly will be affected by repairing instead of replacing the window.

Another location that definitely affects the decision whether to repair or replace the window is near the frame. Any crack that is close to the edge of the windshield’s frame may have a serious effect on the overall integrity of the entire windshield. This can compromise the safety of the driver, the passenger and the other drivers on the road.

Chicago Auto Glass Repair

If your car gets dinged in the windshield or a crack appears, take it to a qualified Chicago auto glass technician. He or she will examine the damage and assess the problem. Depending upon such factors as size, depth, type and location, the technician will discuss with you his or her decision of whether having it repaired or replaced is the best option. Go to the site for more information

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