There is nothing worse than spending a lot of money to repair a vehicle, especially an older vehicle that may just be your go-to car for errands and getting back and forth to work. If you have a vehicle like that you may want to think twice about buying new parts and instead start looking at used parts from junk yards in Phoenix.
If you haven’t been to the top junk yards in Phoenix you may not realize what a treasure trove of car parts are on hand. These facilities have everything from older makes and models of the most popular cars on the road in the last couple of decades to last year’s makes and models. Often these vehicles have very low mileage and other than being in an accident the engine and transmission parts are like new.
Body Parts
You may also be surprised at the options you will find for body parts for almost any type of vehicles including most passenger cars and trucks. These can include fenders, doors, mirrors, seats, headlights, bumpers, hoods and anything else you can think of.
In most junk yards in Phoenix anything you want to take off the car is for sale, all you have to do is have the know-how to get the job done. Some of the top junk yards in Phoenix have staff on hand that can give you advice and help to make the job easier. Many companies are full service, meaning all the work is done for you and you just have to come in and pick up the part.
Engine Parts and Transmissions
You can also find junk yards in Phoenix that have a full line or retail parts that are fully tested and warranted for up to 90 days. This is a great way to ensure that the parts that you buy are going to work for you and are ready for installation into your vehicle. With many of the top yards you can even browse their parts inventory online ensuring that the part you need is in stock and ready for you.
Transmissions from junk yards in Phoenix that are tested and have a 90 day warranty provide you virtually the same warranty as many rebuilt transmissions, plus you can choose a transmission that has lower mileage and less wear. To see if we have your transmission in stock contact Alma Imports.