Lincoln Car Dealers Offer Tips on Making Road Trips Safe and Exciting

by | Dec 9, 2021 | Autos

Thanksgiving may be over, but it’s still nice to visit family and friends back home especially this coming holiday season. It’s been said that driving rather than flying is a safer means of travel. So to keep yourself and your family safe, a road trip might be the best way to travel back home. And to make sure you’re safe behind the wheel, consider these tips from trusted Lincoln car dealers on how to have a fun and safe road trip experience.

  1. Safety First!

Before your road trip, make sure that your car is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Though far cheaper than flying, road trips can get expensive if an accident happens along the way. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save if your car is in tip-top shape when you start your drive.

Check your tires – Winter season is particularly detrimental on your tires. Change into winter tires, and make sure the tire pressure is correct. If you’re unsure of what the right pressure levels are, check your car manual. A quick visit to your mechanic to adjust tire pressure might be necessary.

Make sure you have a spare tire – A spare tire is a must. Without one, you are likely to put yourself at risk of being stranded, whether in the city or out on the highways. You need to make sure you have all the necessary tools to change your tire in case of a blowout, such as a car jack and wrench.

Look over your brakes – Check your brakes. If they feel spongy or are squealing whenever you use them, then it’s time for servicing. Know how to properly use your brakes during winter. Instead of pressing down hard on the pedal, pump it twice or thrice to slow down your car, and to prevent skidding.

How are your lights? – Check all the bulbs in your car–from your headlights and tail lights to your brake lights and signal lights. If the lights seem too dim or you want brighter bulbs to ensure that you can see and be seen, then there is no better time for an upgrade than now. Unsure of which bulbs to get? Reach out to your Lincoln dealerships in Covington, LA for advice.

  1. Clean Up Before You Drive Off

Road trips can get your vehicle really dirty especially in winter, so the best thing you can do is to get it as clean as possible before your trip. Clean the windows so you can see clearly and give your car that pretty shine. Cleaning the interior also helps with eliminating any bugs or food crumbs. Once this is done, you can come up with a system to keep your car as clean as possible during the roadtrip.

Set up little dustbins and storage spaces behind the front row of seats. This way, there will be space for food items to be kept before and after eating. The last thing you need is a canned soda rolling around as you drive along the Interstate.

  1. Make Your Road Trip Exciting

Playlists – Make playlists that will keep everyone awake and singing out loud. Driving with everyone fast asleep in the car is not fun and often makes the driver irritated, tired, or worse, lose focus. So by playing upbeat music, everyone is more likely to remain energetic and awake.

Plan your stops – This is a great way to plan what you want to see and how much distance you will travel before each rest stop. If you stop at every other rest stop, it will take a long time to get to your destination. Knowing where you can stop also helps you plan in the event of an emergency.

So there you have it! Simple yet important things to take note of to make your road trip fun and safe. Check out Baldwin Lincoln car dealer in the New Orleans, LA area for more safety tips.

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