Tips For Buying The Right Auto Batteries For Any Vehicle

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Business

For many drivers, buying auto batteries may not be a priority, at least until they start to experience problems in getting their vehicle started. While routine care and maintenance are very low with modern types of car batteries, it can help to ensure that the battery lasts for the recommended lifetime, but eventually even the best-maintained battery will need to be replaced.

Battery Life

Typically most auto batteries will last about three to five years, but there are batteries that can last double that time under the right conditions. In general, if the vehicle is stored out of the weather, is not exposed to extremely hot or cold conditions and if driving use is average, the battery life will be longer.

When batteries are run dead by leaving the lights or the radio on, when the car, truck or SUV is only driven short distances, typically less than 20 minutes or less on a regular basis, batteries will fail earlier. Another issue to consider today is using the vehicle to charge devices such as phones, tablets and other types of devices that use a USB charger.

Buying a Battery

The best place to start when buying replacement batteries is with your vehicle owner’s manual. This will provide you with information on the correct size and type of battery for the vehicle.

If you have a used vehicle, don’t assume the battery currently in the car is the right size. Most manuals for even old vehicles are now available online, so take the time and get the right information before buying a replacement.

You should also check the location of the terminals on the battery. While most vehicles will require a battery with the terminals on the top, some have side terminals, which uses a different configuration both for the battery fitment as well as the cable connectors.

Power Matters

There are typically many different auto batteries that will fit any vehicle, and they will be priced from lower cost options to more expensive. While you may not need to the most expensive battery, avoiding the cheap batteries will be important.

The cheap batteries tend to have lower Cold Cranking Amps (CCA), which means in cold temperature starting the battery with a low CCA rating is never a bargain as it won’t be able to turn the engine over.

Additionally, look for the RC or Reserve Capacity of the car battery you are considering. This tells you the amount of power the battery has in reserve over and above what is needed to try to crank the engine. This helps the battery stay “alive” longer even if you happen to leave the lights on. For more information visit at website domain. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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